Corsi disponibili
Module I. Introduction to the course
This module will provide general information on self employment and entrepreneurship, as well as introductive information regarding digitalization and what it takes to become self employed, using digital world as main tool. Also, the module is an overview on the following parts of the training that will help you gain important skills, knowledge and attitudes to be financially independent and more digitalized.
Module II. Creativity Competence
Creativity has many different definitions – “the ability to create something that is unique and useful", "ability to think imaginatively and originally", "development of unusual ideas", "a mental and social process involving new discovering ideas or finding new connections between existing ideas
In this module we provided creative resources that can support the entrepreneurs in hard times, for them not to lose motivation and encouragement and some ideas that future entrepreneurs can use in order to build their business from home in a creative way through digital approach.
A creative lifestyle and coping with difficulties can not only produce some useful achievements to the world, but can offer the creator new opportunities, joy and purpose in life.
Module III. Ethical & sustainable thinking
This module is a treasure trove of knowledge and skills that can help you build your own online business while making a positive impact on your community. Throughout the seven resources, we will guide you through the world of ethical and sustainable entrepreneurship, offering insights, practical advice to support your journey, and enhance your ideas with successful ethical & sustainable entrepreneurship examples across the world.
The focus of the resources in this module is not just on gaining necessary competences to start up an online enterprise; it's about personal fulfillment and purpose. We'll help you align your entrepreneurial efforts with your values, so you can find true meaning in your work and experience the joy of making a difference in the lives of others.
Module IV. Motivation & Perceverance
Welcome to the Module III "Motivation and Perseverance" of the training which is designed to empower you to explore online entrepreneurial opportunities in any part of the world!
This module is a crossing bridge from uncertainty to the feeling of motivation and self-confidence. It was designed to support you at the moments of feeling demotivated or unsure if you are on the right track. As well, it strives to contribute to your community while establishing its own business.
Motivation is a state-of-mind filled with energy and enthusiasm which helps people to work on or achieve their goals. It is crucial to understand what drives you to work towards your particular goal. It is important in everyday life but it is even necessary in business and management.
There are a lot of branches of how people can be motivated, but there are two most important: extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors. With extrinsic factors, people are motivated by bonuses for hard work or sanctions if a job is not done. The best tools to improve motivation are rewards, trust, recognition, career advancement and purpose.
With intrinsic factors, people are motivated by a desire to satisfy human needs, like a desire to please your boss or achieve personal goals. But the majority of the people are motivated by a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors including money, recognition, power, passion and meaning.
Throughout the seven resources in this module, we will guide you through self confidence, offering insights, tips and tricks aimed to boost your motivation. Let’s check what are the resources in this module and how you can benefit from each of those:D
Module V. Planning & Management
This module is intended to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to successfully plan, manage, and optimise your online business. It will provide a structured learning experience that will equip you with the ability to plan effectively, adapt to challenges, and achieve long-term success on the journey towards online entrepreneurship.
This module will walk you through the process of starting a business from the moment you make the decision to do so, all the way through the monitoring and evaluation stages, with the help of seven interesting and informative resources. These resources will cover topics vital to business planning, such as goal setting, target audiences, the nature of the business market, risk management, and much more. The story is just getting started.
Let's dive in and explore what you will gain from this training!
Module VII. Coping with ambiguity & uncertainty risk
Uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk are all concepts that relate to situations where we do not have complete knowledge or information, and the outcome is unknown or unpredictable.
Uncertainty refers to a lack of knowledge or information about what will happen in the future. It can result from various factors, such as incomplete information, unpredictability, or complexity. Uncertainty is a common experience in many aspects of life, including career choices, financial investments, health decisions, and personal relationships.
Ambiguity refers to situations where there are multiple possible interpretations of events or information. It can arise from unclear communication, differing perspectives, or complexity. Ambiguity can create confusion and make it difficult to make informed decisions, especially in situations where there is a need for clarity.
Risk refers to the likelihood and consequences of negative outcomes occurring. It involves making decisions based on uncertain or incomplete information and weighing potential negative consequences against potential benefits. Risk can be calculated or subjective, and the level of risk that an individual or organization is willing to accept can vary depending on their circumstances, goals, and values.
Módulo I: Introducción al curso
Este módulo proporcionará información general sobre el autoempleo y el emprendimiento, así como información introductoria sobre la digitalización y lo que se necesita para convertirse en autónomo, utilizando el mundo digital como herramienta principal. Además, el módulo es una descripción general de las siguientes partes de la capacitación que lo ayudarán a adquirir habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes importantes para ser financieramente independiente y estar más digitalizado.
Módulo II: Competencias creativas
La creatividad tiene muchas definiciones diferentes: "la capacidad de crear algo que sea único y útil", "capacidad de pensar de forma imaginativa y original", "desarrollo de ideas inusuales", "un proceso mental y social que implica el descubrimiento de nuevas ideas o la búsqueda de nuevas conexiones entre ideas existentes
En este módulo proporcionamos recursos creativos que pueden apoyar a los emprendedores en tiempos difíciles, para que no pierdan la motivación y el aliento y algunas ideas que los futuros emprendedores pueden utilizar para construir su negocio desde casa de una manera creativa a través de un enfoque digital.
Un estilo de vida creativo y afrontar las dificultades no sólo pueden producir algunos logros útiles para el mundo, sino que también pueden ofrecer al creador nuevas oportunidades, alegría y propósito en la vida.
Módulo III: Pensamiento ético y sostenible
Este módulo es un tesoro de conocimientos y habilidades que pueden ayudarle a construir su propio negocio en línea y al mismo tiempo generar un impacto positivo en su comunidad. A lo largo de los siete recursos, lo guiaremos a través del mundo del emprendimiento ético y sostenible, ofreciéndole ideas y consejos prácticos para respaldar su viaje y mejorar sus ideas con ejemplos exitosos de emprendimiento ético y sostenible en todo el mundo.
El objetivo de los recursos de este módulo no es sólo adquirir las competencias necesarias para iniciar una empresa en línea; se trata de realización personal y propósito. Le ayudaremos a alinear sus esfuerzos empresariales con sus valores, para que pueda encontrar el verdadero significado de su trabajo y experimentar la alegría de marcar una diferencia en las vidas de los demás.
Módulo IV: Motivación y perseverancia
Welcome to the Module III "Motivation and Perseverance" of the training which is designed to empower you to explore online entrepreneurial opportunities in any part of the world!
This module is a crossing bridge from uncertainty to the feeling of motivation and self-confidence. It was designed to support you at the moments of feeling demotivated or unsure if you are on the right track. As well, it strives to contribute to your community while establishing its own business.
Motivation is a state-of-mind filled with energy and enthusiasm which helps people to work on or achieve their goals. It is crucial to understand what drives you to work towards your particular goal. It is important in everyday life but it is even necessary in business and management.
There are a lot of branches of how people can be motivated, but there are two most important: extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors. With extrinsic factors, people are motivated by bonuses for hard work or sanctions if a job is not done. The best tools to improve motivation are rewards, trust, recognition, career advancement and purpose.
With intrinsic factors, people are motivated by a desire to satisfy human needs, like a desire to please your boss or achieve personal goals. But the majority of the people are motivated by a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors including money, recognition, power, passion and meaning.
Throughout the seven resources in this module, we will guide you through self confidence, offering insights, tips and tricks aimed to boost your motivation. Let’s check what are the resources in this module and how you can benefit from each of those:D
Módulo V: Planificación y gestión
This module is intended to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to successfully plan, manage, and optimise your online business. It will provide a structured learning experience that will equip you with the ability to plan effectively, adapt to challenges, and achieve long-term success on the journey towards online entrepreneurship.
This module will walk you through the process of starting a business from the moment you make the decision to do so, all the way through the monitoring and evaluation stages, with the help of seven interesting and informative resources. These resources will cover topics vital to business planning, such as goal setting, target audiences, the nature of the business market, risk management, and much more. The story is just getting started.
Let's dive in and explore what you will gain from this training!
Módulo VII: Gestionando riesgos y ambiguedad
La incertidumbre, la ambigüedad y el riesgo son conceptos relacionados con situaciones en las que no tenemos conocimiento o información completos y el resultado es desconocido o impredecible.
La incertidumbre se refiere a la falta de conocimiento o información sobre lo que sucederá en el futuro. Puede ser resultado de varios factores, como información incompleta, imprevisibilidad o complejidad. La incertidumbre es una experiencia común en muchos aspectos de la vida, incluidas las elecciones profesionales, las inversiones financieras, las decisiones de salud y las relaciones personales.
La ambigüedad se refiere a situaciones en las que existen múltiples interpretaciones posibles de eventos o información. Puede surgir de una comunicación poco clara, perspectivas diferentes o complejidad. La ambigüedad puede crear confusión y dificultar la toma de decisiones informadas, especialmente en situaciones en las que se necesita claridad.
El riesgo se refiere a la probabilidad y las consecuencias de que ocurran resultados negativos. Implica tomar decisiones basadas en información incierta o incompleta y sopesar las posibles consecuencias negativas frente a los posibles beneficios. El riesgo puede ser calculado o subjetivo, y el nivel de riesgo que una persona u organización está dispuesta a aceptar puede variar según sus circunstancias, objetivos y valores.
Modul I Überblick
This module will provide general information on self employment and entrepreneurship, as well as introductive information regarding digitalization and what it takes to become self employed, using digital world as main tool. Also, the module is an overview on the following parts of the training that will help you gain important skills, knowledge and attitudes to be financially independent and more digitalized.
Modul II. Kreative Kompetenz
Kreativität hat viele verschiedene Definitionen – “die Fähigkeit, etwas einzigartiges und nützliches zu erschaffen", "die Fähigkeit phantasievoll und originell zu denken", "das Entwickeln ungewöhnlicher Ideen", "ein mentaler und sozialer Prozess, in dem man neue Ideen entdeckt oder neue Verbindungen zwischen existierenden Ideen findet".
In diesem Modul bieten wir kreative Ressourcen, die die Unternehmer_innen in schwierigen Zeiten unterstützen können, damit sie nicht die Motivation verlieren und neue Ideen erhalten können, wie sie sich auf kreative Weise ein digitales Unternehmen aufbauen können.
Ein kreativer Lebensstil und die Bewältigung von Schwierigkeiten können nicht nur nützliche Errungenschaften für die Welt hervorbringen, sondern de_r Schöpfer_in auch neue Möglichkeiten, Freude und einen Sinn im Leben bieten.
Modul III. Ethisches und nachhaltiges Denken
Dieses Modul ist eine Schatzkiste voller Wissen und Fertigkeiten, die Ihnen dabei helfen können, Ihr eigenes Online-Unternehmen zu gründen und dabei Ihre Community zu unterstützen. Mit den sieben Ressourcen möchten wir Sie durch die Welt des ethischen und nachhaltigen Unternehmertums führen und Ihnen hilfreiche Tipps zur Unterstützung Ihrer Reise geben. Außerdem zeigen wir Ihnen Beispiele für erfolgreiches ethisches und nachhaltiges Unternehmertum auf der ganzen Welt.
In diesem Modul liegt der Fokus der Ressourcen nicht nur darauf, die nötigen Kompetenzen zum Gründen eines Online-Unternehmens zu erlernen, sondern auf persönlicher Erfüllung und Sinnhaftigkeit. Wir werden Sie dabei unterstützen, Ihre unternehmerischen Bestrebungen an Ihre Werte anzupassen, damit Sie Erfüllung in Ihrer Arbeit finden können und erleben können, wie schön es ist, etwas im Leben anderer bewirken zu können.
Modul IV. Motivation & Durchhaltevermögen
Willkommen zum Modul III "Motivation und Durchhaltevermögen" des Kurses, das Sie dazu empowern soll, unternehmerische Möglichkeiten online auf der ganzen Welt wahrzunehmen!
Dieses Modul bildet eine Brücke zwischen Unsicherheit und Motivation sowie Selbstbewusstsein. Es wurde dafür konzipiert, sie in Momenten niedriger Motivation oder voller Unsicherheit zu unterstützen. Außerdem lernen Sie, wie Sie einen Beitrag zu Ihrer Gemeinschaft leisten können, während Sie Ihr eigenes Unternehmen aufbauen.
Motivation ist ein Gemütszustand, während dessen man voller Energie und Enthusiasmus steckt, was Menschen dabei hilft am Erreichen ihrer Ziele zu arbeiten. Es ist sehr wichtig, zu verstehen, was Sie dazu antreibt, auf ein bestimmtes Ziel hinzuarbeiten. Dies ist auch im Alltag wichtig, aber im Bereich des Unternehmertums und Managements ist es unerlässlich.
Es gibt viele Aspekte, die sich positiv auf die Motivation auswirken können, aber die zwei wichtigsten sind extrinsische und intrinsische Faktoren. Bei extrinsischen Faktoren sind Menschen zum Beispiel durch Boni für harte Arbeit oder durch Sanktionen für schlechte Arbeit motiviert. Die besten Optionen zum Verbessern der Motivation sind Belohnungen, Vertrauen, Anerkennung, Karrierefortschritte und Sinnhaftigkeit.
Bei intrinsischen Faktoren werden Menschen von dem Bestreben angetrieben, menschliche Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen, also zum Beispiel den Chef zufriedenzustellen oder persönliche Ziele zu erreichen. Allerdings werden die meisten Menschen von einer Kombination aus ex- und intrinsischen Faktoren, wie beispielsweise Geld, Anerkennung, Macht, Leidenschaft und Sinnhaftigkeit angetrieben.
Über die sieben Ressourcen dieses Moduls hinweg möchten wir ihr Selbstbewusstsein stärken und Ihre Motivation mit Hilfe von verschiedenen Erkenntnissen seven resources in this module, we will guide you through self confidence, offering insights, tips and tricks aimed to boost your motivation. Let’s check what are the resources in this module and how you can benefit from each of those:D
Modul V. Planung & Management
Modul soll Ihnen die Kenntnisse, Skills und Ressourcen vermitteln, die
Sie benötigen, um Ihr Online-Unternehmen erfolgreich zu planen, managen
und optimieren. Es bietet Ihnen eine strukturierte Lernerfahrung, durch
die Sie lernen können, wie man effektiv plant, mit Problemen umgeht und
langfristig im Online-Unternehmertum erfolgreich ist.
In diesem Modul gehen wir anhand von sieben interessanten und informativen Ressourcen den Prozess der Unternehmensgründung durch, von dem Moment, in dem Sie sich dafür entschieden haben, bis hin zu den Monitoring- und Evaluationsphasen. In den Ressourcen werden Themen abgedeckt, die für die Unternehmensplanung unabdingbar sind, wie zum Beispiel Zielsetzung, Zielgruppen, die Beschaffenheit des Unternehmensmarktes, Risikomanagement und vieles mehr. Die Geschichte hat gerade erst begonnen.
Lassen Sie uns in dieses Modul eintauchen und uns anschauen, was Sie aus seinen Inhalten lernen können!
Modul VII. Mit Ungewissheit und Unsicherheit umgehen
Ungewissheit und Risiko beziehen sich alle auf Situationen, in denen
Informationen unvollständig sind, was zu unbekannten oder
unvorhersehbaren Ergebnissen führt.
Unsicherheit ensteht aus einem Mangel an Wissen über zukünftige Geschehnisse und tritt in den verschiedensten Lebensbereichen auf.
oder Mehrdeutigkeit entstehen dann, wenn Geschehnisse auf verschiedene
Weisen interpretiert werden können, was häufig durch uneindeutige
Kommunikation oder kontrastierende Perspektiven ausgelöst wird. Dies kann das Treffen informierter Entscheidungen erschweren.
Risiken geht es darum, die Wahrscheinlichkeit und die Folgen negativer
Ergebnisse auf Grundlage unvollständiger Informationen zu bewerten und
dabei potenzielle Vor- und Nachteile abzuwägen.Risiken können messbar oder subjektiv sein und der Risikograd, den eine Person oder ein Unternehmen bereit ist einzugehen, variiert je nach ihren Umständen, Zielen und Werten.
I. modul Áttekintés: Bevezetés az "Online foglalkoztatással kapcsolatos képzésbe a fogyatékossággal élő emberek családtagjai és szülei számára"
Ez a modul általános információkat nyújt az önfoglalkoztatásról és a vállalkozói tevékenységről, valamint bevezető információkat a digitalizációról és arról, hogy mi szükséges az önfoglalkoztatáshoz, a digitális világot fő eszközként használva. Emellett a modul áttekintést nyújt a képzés következő részeiről, amelyek segítenek fontos készségeket, ismereteket és hozzáállást elsajátítani, hogy pénzügyileg független és digitálisan felkészültebb lehessen.
A kreativitásnak számos különböző definíciója van – "az a képesség, hogy valami egyedit és hasznosat hozzunk létre", "az a képesség, hogy képzeletgazdagan és eredetien gondolkodjunk", "szokatlan ötletek fejlesztése", "egy mentális és társadalmi folyamat, amely új ötletek felfedezését vagy meglévő ötletek közötti új kapcsolatok megtalálását foglalja magában."
Ebben a modulban olyan kreatív forrásokat biztosítunk, amelyek támogatást nyújthatnak a vállalkozóknak nehéz időkben, hogy ne veszítsék el a motivációjukat és bátorításukat, valamint néhány ötletet, amelyeket a jövőbeni vállalkozók használhatnak arra, hogy otthonról, kreatív módon, digitális megközelítéssel építsék fel vállalkozásukat.
A kreatív életmód és a nehézségekkel való megküzdés nemcsak hasznos eredményeket hozhat a világnak, hanem a készítő számára új lehetőségeket, örömet és célt is kínálhat az életben.
Üdvözöljük a képzésünk III. moduljában: "Etikus és fenntartható vállalkozói tevékenység" című modulunk modulja, amelynek célja, hogy eligazítsa Önt a digitális technológiák felhasználásában egy társadalmilag befolyásos vállalkozás létrehozásához.
Ez a modul az alapvető ismeretekkel és készségekkel ruházza fel Önt, amelyek elengedhetetlenek saját online vállalkozásának elindításához, miközben pozitív hatást gyakorol a közösségére. A hét forrás során végigvezetünk az etikus és fenntartható vállalkozói lét világán, betekintést nyújtunk, gyakorlati tanácsokkal támogatjuk az utadat, és a világ minden tájáról származó sikeres példákkal bővítjük az ötleteidet.
Az ebben a modulban található források középpontjában nem csupán az online társadalmi vállalkozás indításához szükséges kompetenciák megszerzése áll, hanem a személyes kiteljesedés és a célok elérése is. Segítünk összehangolni vállalkozói törekvéseit az értékeivel, hogy valódi értelmet találjon munkájában, és megtapasztalhassa annak örömét, hogy mások életében változást hozhat.
IV. Modul Motiváció és kitartás
Welcome to the Module III "Motivation and Perseverance" of the training which is designed to empower you to explore online entrepreneurial opportunities in any part of the world!
This module is a crossing bridge from uncertainty to the feeling of motivation and self-confidence. It was designed to support you at the moments of feeling demotivated or unsure if you are on the right track. As well, it strives to contribute to your community while establishing its own business.
Motivation is a state-of-mind filled with energy and enthusiasm which helps people to work on or achieve their goals. It is crucial to understand what drives you to work towards your particular goal. It is important in everyday life but it is even necessary in business and management.
There are a lot of branches of how people can be motivated, but there are two most important: extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors. With extrinsic factors, people are motivated by bonuses for hard work or sanctions if a job is not done. The best tools to improve motivation are rewards, trust, recognition, career advancement and purpose.
With intrinsic factors, people are motivated by a desire to satisfy human needs, like a desire to please your boss or achieve personal goals. But the majority of the people are motivated by a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic factors including money, recognition, power, passion and meaning.
Throughout the seven resources in this module, we will guide you through self confidence, offering insights, tips and tricks aimed to boost your motivation. Let’s check what are the resources in this module and how you can benefit from each of those:D
V. Modul Tervezés és menedzsment
This module is intended to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to successfully plan, manage, and optimise your online business. It will provide a structured learning experience that will equip you with the ability to plan effectively, adapt to challenges, and achieve long-term success on the journey towards online entrepreneurship.
This module will walk you through the process of starting a business from the moment you make the decision to do so, all the way through the monitoring and evaluation stages, with the help of seven interesting and informative resources. These resources will cover topics vital to business planning, such as goal setting, target audiences, the nature of the business market, risk management, and much more. The story is just getting started.
Let's dive in and explore what you will gain from this training!
VII. Modul Megbirkózni a kétértelműséggel és a bizonytalanság kockázatával
Uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk are all concepts that relate to situations where we do not have complete knowledge or information, and the outcome is unknown or unpredictable.
Uncertainty refers to a lack of knowledge or information about what will happen in the future. It can result from various factors, such as incomplete information, unpredictability, or complexity. Uncertainty is a common experience in many aspects of life, including career choices, financial investments, health decisions, and personal relationships.
Ambiguity refers to situations where there are multiple possible interpretations of events or information. It can arise from unclear communication, differing perspectives, or complexity. Ambiguity can create confusion and make it difficult to make informed decisions, especially in situations where there is a need for clarity.
Risk refers to the likelihood and consequences of negative outcomes occurring. It involves making decisions based on uncertain or incomplete information and weighing potential negative consequences against potential benefits. Risk can be calculated or subjective, and the level of risk that an individual or organization is willing to accept can vary depending on their circumstances, goals, and values.
Modul I - Introducere la curs
This module will provide general information on self employment and entrepreneurship, as well as introductive information regarding digitalization and what it takes to become self employed, using digital world as main tool. Also, the module is an overview on the following parts of the training that will help you gain important skills, knowledge and attitudes to be financially independent and more digitalized.
Modul II. Competente Creative
Creativitatea are multe definiții diferite - "abilitatea de a crea ceva unic și util", "abilitatea de a gândi imaginativ și original", "dezvoltarea de idei neobișnuite", "un proces mental și social care implică descoperirea de idei noi sau găsirea de noi conexiuni între idei existente".
În acest modul, am furnizat resurse creative care pot susține antreprenorii în momente dificile, pentru ca ei să nu își piardă motivația și încurajarea și câteva idei pe care viitorii antreprenori le pot folosi pentru a-și construi afacerea de acasă într-un mod creativ prin abordare digitală.
Un stil de viață creativ și gestionarea dificultăților nu numai că pot produce realizări utile pentru lume, dar pot oferi creatorului noi oportunități, bucurie și scop în viață.
Modulul III. Gândire etică și durabilă
Acest modul este o comoară de cunoștințe și abilități care te pot ajuta să-ți construiești propria afacere online, în timp ce ai un impact pozitiv asupra comunității tale. Pe parcursul celor șapte resurse, te vom ghida prin lumea antreprenoriatului etic și durabil, oferindu-ți perspective, sfaturi practice pentru a-ți susține călătoria și pentru a-ți îmbunătăți ideile cu exemple de succes de antreprenoriat etic și durabil din întreaga lume.
Focusul resurselor din acest modul nu se limitează doar la dobândirea competențelor necesare pentru a-ți lansa o întreprindere online; este vorba despre împlinire personală și scop. Te vom ajuta să-ți aliniezi eforturile antreprenoriale cu valorile tale, astfel încât să poți găsi adevărata înțeles în munca ta și să experimentezi bucuria de a face o diferență în viețile altora.
Modulul IV. Motivație și Perseverență
Bine ați venit la Modulul III "Motivație și Perseverență" al cursului care este conceput pentru a vă încuraja să explorați oportunități antreprenoriale online în orice parte a lumii!
Acest modul este un pod care traversează de la incertitudine la sentimentul de motivație și încredere în sine. A fost conceput pentru a vă sprijini în momentele în care vă simțiți lipsit de motivație sau nesigur dacă sunteți pe drumul cel bun. De asemenea, își propune să contribuie la comunitatea dumneavoastră în timp ce își stabilește propria afacere.
Motivația este o stare mentală plină de energie și entuziasm care ajută oamenii să lucreze sau să își atingă obiectivele. Este crucial să înțelegeți ce vă motivează să lucrați spre un anumit obiectiv. Este importantă în viața de zi cu zi, dar este chiar necesară în afaceri și management.
Există multe ramuri ale motivației, dar cele două cele mai importante sunt factorii extrinseci și cei intrinseci. Cu factorii extrinseci, oamenii sunt motivați de bonusuri pentru munca grea sau de sancțiuni dacă o muncă nu este finalizată. Cele mai bune instrumente pentru îmbunătățirea motivației sunt recompensele, încrederea, recunoașterea, avansarea în carieră și scopul.
Cu factorii intrinseci, oamenii sunt motivați de dorința de a satisface nevoile umane, cum ar fi dorința de a mulțumi șefului sau de a atinge obiective personale. Dar majoritatea oamenilor sunt motivați de o combinație de factori extrinseci și intrinseci, incluzând bani, recunoaștere, putere, pasiune și sens.
Pe parcursul celor șapte resurse din acest modul, vă vom ghida prin încrederea în sine, oferindu-vă idei, sfaturi și trucuri menite să vă stimuleze motivația. Să vedem care sunt resursele din acest modul și cum puteți beneficia de fiecare dintre acestea.
Modulul V - Planificare și Management
Acest modul își propune să vă ofere cunoștințele, abilitățile și resursele de care aveți nevoie pentru a planifica, gestiona și optimiza cu succes afacerea dvs. online. Va oferi o experiență de învățare structurată care vă va dota cu abilitatea de a planifica eficient, de a vă adapta la provocări și de a obține succes pe termen lung în călătoria către antreprenoriatul online.
Acest modul vă va ghida prin procesul de pornire a unei afaceri începând de la momentul în care luați decizia de a o face, până la etapele de monitorizare și evaluare, cu ajutorul a șapte resurse interesante și informative. Aceste resurse vor acoperi subiecte vitale pentru planificarea afacerilor, cum ar fi stabilirea obiectivelor, publicurile țintă, natura pieței de afaceri, gestionarea riscurilor și multe altele. Povestea abia începe.
Să începem și să explorăm ce veți câștiga din această instruire!
Modulul VII. Cum faci față ambiguității și riscului incertitudinii
Nesiguranța, ambiguitatea și riscul sunt toate concepte care se referă la situații în care nu avem cunoștințe sau informații complete, iar rezultatul este necunoscut sau imprevizibil.
Nesiguranța se referă la lipsa de cunoștințe sau informații despre ce se va întâmpla în viitor. Poate rezulta din diverse factori, cum ar fi informațiile incomplete, imprevizibilitatea sau complexitatea. Nesiguranța este o experiență comună în multe aspecte ale vieții, inclusiv alegerile de carieră, investițiile financiare, deciziile de sănătate și relațiile personale.
Ambiguitatea se referă la situații în care există mai multe interpretări posibile ale evenimentelor sau informațiilor. Poate apărea din comunicare neclară, perspective diferite sau complexitate. Ambiguitatea poate crea confuzie și poate face dificilă luarea deciziilor informate, în special în situații în care este nevoie de claritate.
Riscul se referă la probabilitatea și consecințele apariției rezultatelor negative. Implică luarea deciziilor pe baza informațiilor incerte sau incomplete și evaluarea potențialelor consecințe negative în raport cu beneficiile potențiale. Riscul poate fi calculat sau subiectiv, iar nivelul de risc pe care o persoană sau o organizație este dispusă să-l accepte poate varia în funcție de circumstanțele lor, obiectivele și valorile lor.
Guide in English
We have created a Guide based on research carried out in the participating countries on the needs of organizations, social workers and public bodies that collaborate with people with disabilities. It includes the methodology of working with parents and relatives of said people; innovative approaches to work; types of online instruments, communication sources and creative methods. We hope that social and community workers will use this Guide as a tool to communicate and collaborate with family members of people with disabilities.
Guía en Español
We have created a Guide based on research carried out in the participating countries on the needs of organizations, social workers and public bodies that collaborate with people with disabilities. It includes the methodology of working with parents and relatives of said people; innovative approaches to work; types of online instruments, communication sources and creative methods. We hope that social and community workers will use this Guide as a tool to communicate and collaborate with family members of people with disabilities.
Ghidul in romana
Am creat un Ghid bazat pe cercetările efectuate în țările participante privind nevoile organizațiilor, ale lucrătorilor sociali și ale instituțiilor publice care colaborează cu persoanele cu dizabilități. Acesta include metodologia de lucru cu părinții și rudele acestor persoane; abordări inovatoare în muncă; tipuri de instrumente online, surse de comunicare și metode creative. Sperăm că lucrătorii sociali și comunitari vor folosi acest Ghid ca un instrument pentru a comunica și colabora cu membrii familiilor persoanelor cu dizabilități.
Guide in deutch
We have created a Guide based on research carried out in the participating countries on the needs of organizations, social workers and public bodies that collaborate with people with disabilities. It includes the methodology of working with parents and relatives of said people; innovative approaches to work; types of online instruments, communication sources and creative methods. We hope that social and community workers will use this Guide as a tool to communicate and collaborate with family members of people with disabilities.
Útmutató ANGOL nyelven
We have created a Guide based on research carried out in the participating countries on the needs of organizations, social workers and public bodies that collaborate with people with disabilities. It includes the methodology of working with parents and relatives of said people; innovative approaches to work; types of online instruments, communication sources and creative methods. We hope that social and community workers will use this Guide as a tool to communicate and collaborate with family members of people with disabilities.